
Carnie Creek Official Synopsis


A grim prophecy befalls a group of wandering carnies as they travel through a small Tennessee town called Carnie Creek. SHERIFF TOM VICKERS, and a rogue preacher, GRAHAM ORVILLE DESMOND mistreat the carnies on that fateful night back in 1966, driving them into the caves and surrounding wilderness. The carnies have practiced horrific acts during these twenty years in hiding, even resorting to cannibalism in order to stay alive, and relish the torture of the townsfolk in revenge for the deaths of their own.
Now, it’s 1986 and the preacher returns back to town for one of his electrifying tent revivals. The leader of the carnies, PHANTOM {master illusionist} has quietly put together a small band of loyalists who will aid him in his fight against the SHERIFF and the PREACHER.
PHANTOM, and others, WHITTLER {the knife thrower}, CARVER {swordsman} and CRANKSHAFT {world’s strongest man} kidnap three teenagers and subject them to their unique lifestyle. FRANK, LIZ, and PAUL are treated to a show, with deadly results.
LIZ and PAUL are held captive, while ZEKE, a normal teenage boy within the group, decides to rescue LIZ. A split starts to separate the group, good vs. evil tear each other apart.
Back in town the PREACHER has returned to give another tent revival. PHANTOM, along with DIABLO {the fire-breather}, DIAMONDBACK {the snake-charmer}, and WOLF-MAN crash the party seeking revenge. The PREACHER unloads his chamber into his swarming enemies, with deadly results.
PREACHER then chases PHANTOM and the others back into the wilderness. PHANTOM has a plan for PREACHER and ultimately the two adversaries wind up entangled in a fight inside the dark, dank caves.
PHANTOM uses a mind trick to haunt the highly religious PREACHER. The plan works until the PREACHER turns the tables.
SHERIFF VICKERS arrives in time and shoots the PREACHER, sending him spiraling to the ground in a pool of blood.
PHANTOM thinks he’s in the clear, and reaches for the PREACHER’S prized six-shooter. The PREACHER manages to rebound and aims his gun in the direction of the SHERIFF. PHANTOM returns the SHERIFF’S heroic act in saving his life and knocks the PREACHER to the ground. But not before PREACHER fires off a shot into PHANTOM’S chest killing him.
In a twist of fate, PREACHER’S gun fails to fire off another shot, and SHERIFF VICKERS does not hesitate killing the PREACHER, thereby atoning for his own sins.

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